Blonde Review
Blonde’s platinum sheen is nothing more than a dime-store dye job.
Blonde’s platinum sheen is nothing more than a dime-store dye job.
Scream entertains by not straying too far from the same old formula, but this retread didn’t wow or surprise me in the least.
Lamb is a folktale that starts off wrong and revels in its decision to stay that way.
Malignant evokes horror movies of a bygone era and builds slowly to an amazingly bonkers reveal and finale.
Its meaty film noir elements and drenching atmosphere nearly carry the film on their own.
Old squanders a great concept with annoying details that distract you from the crisis for the characters.
Wraps a mystery in the trappings of a horror film and slowly peels back layer after layer of surprises hidden just out of sight.
More than anything else, The Rhythm Section is a score in search of a picture.
Mixes equal parts Clue and Memento for an exciting howdunit more than a whodunit.
Packs the screen with Hollywood heavyweights and fills each of their characters with enough charisma to rouse a coma ward.
This curious, unexpected story had me in its grasp… before dropping me like a bad habit.
Sadly only inherits the bad habits of the worst M. Night Shyamalan films.