Men in Black: International Review
Comes off as lifeless and perfunctory despite two strong casting choices and a taste of the franchise’s comedy.
Comes off as lifeless and perfunctory despite two strong casting choices and a taste of the franchise’s comedy.
Feels like a stand-alone story with little connection to the franchise other than some of the actors/characters and a country that still doesn’t trust mutants.
Not only the satisfying conclusion to a two-movie story but also the perfect payoff to that 10-year journey on which moviegoers embarked.
Captain Marvel doesn’t feel cohesive and at times bored me with its awful pacing and storytelling.
Captain Marvel borrows heavily, but not heavily enough, from Guardians of the Galaxy.
This curious, unexpected story had me in its grasp… before dropping me like a bad habit.
Serves up a fun-size treat instead of a full snack.
An experience every bit as chaotic as the exploding island of Isla Nublar.
Embraces chaos as it explores what happens when dinosaurs can no longer be contained.
This unquestionably fun film would have been so much better with a shift in focus to generate Lando Calrissian: A Star Wars Story.
Delivers the goods as an irreverently hilarious and literally side-splitting comedy.
Feels like a never-ending supply of sweet moments with a better plot probably saved for its sequel.