Movies Vicky Cristina Barcelona Movie Shot

We saw Woody Allen‘s latest film, Vicky Cristina Barcelona this past weekend and it was a very enjoyable affair. Woody writes dialog better than most writers out there and this film was no exception. It’s my favorite Allen film since, Hannah and Her Sisters which remains my favorite of all his works. The stars include Scarlett Johannson […]

Movies Tropic Thunder Movie Shot

We saw the comedy Tropic Thunder this weekend. It’s the latest movie starring Ben Stiller (who also directed). It also stars Robert Downey Jr, Jack Black and a host of other noted personalities. The basic storyline revolves around a movie shoot that focuses on trying to get the very best performances from some difficult movie stars […]

Movies Tell No One Movie Shot

Saw two films this weekend again. The first one is a French movie called Ne Le Dis A Personne that’s marketed here as Tell No One. The story is about a pediatrician (French star François Cluzet) who loses his wife (Marie-Josée Croze) in a brutal murder and then has to cope with the consequences of it. He has […]

Movies Step Brothers Movie Shot

Friday brought me back to the local theater to see Step Brothers. It’s the latest film from Judd Apatow starring Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly. As I’ve mentioned before, I’ve had some pretty good luck with past Apatow films. They can be silly but they’re usually good for some dependable laughs and a decent […]

Movies The Dark Knight Movie Shot

This weekend we saw both of the “big” movies. First up was The Dark Knight. However, what’s interesting is that Mamma Mia! is selling out here right alongside the huge sellouts for Batman. I’ve never seen the local theater so packed. The Dark Knight is the latest Batman movie and second for Christian Bale. Bale […]

Movies Hellboy II: The Golden Army Movie Shot

Writer/director Guillermo del Toro returns the world of his 2004 film, Hellboy. Hellboy II: The Golden Army is an action-packed comedic surprise that will keep most any viewer glued to their seat. It also comes on the heels of del Torro’s masterwork, 2006’s Pan’s Labyrinth. I’m most notably not a comic book fan and, as […]

Movies WALL-E Movie Shot

We saw the latest Pixar–Disney movie, WALL-E, this weekend. I caught it along with ten other family members and friends. This is a movie, as I’ve mentioned before, I’ve been waiting on for a long time. A friend of mine over at THQ—a game publisher that had the rights to create all the games based on […]

Movies Get Smart Movie Shot

We saw Get Smart this weekend. This is the film based on the 1960s cult classic TV comedy of the same name. I have to say that I agree with what a few reviewers said about it. I felt very much like the producers couldn’t make up their mind exactly what kind of movie they were […]