Movies Dan in Real Life Movie Shot

Next up we caught Steve Carell‘s new movie, Dan and the Real G….. Oh, wait, it’s called Dan in Real Life. This is a movie I’ve been worried about for some time. We saw the previews for it ages ago and then the movie seemed to miss one release date after another. I also happened to […]

Movies Lars and the Real Girl Movie Shot

Next up for me was Lars and the Real Girl and it was a great surprise. It’s a dark comedy that really is more drama that it is comedy. Ryan Gosling is exceptional as its title character. Anyone who’s unsure about his acting chops needs to look no farther than his portrayal of Lars. You’ll feel every […]

Movies The Darjeeling Limited Movie Shot

This week’s movie is The Darjeeling Limited staring Owen Wilson, Adrien Brody and Jason Schwartzman. It’s an extremely low-key, dark comedy that will not go over well with many, though I enjoyed it quite a bit. The comedy is very similar to what you find in director Wes Anderson‘s other movie (that I feel is a […]

Movies The Nightmare Before Christmas

Right after this movie we switched gears to see the new version of The Nightmare Before Christmas. Tim Burton‘s Halloween tale has been redone by Disney in digital 3D. Yes, we sat there with the glasses on. I’ve always been a fan of this movie though I can see why it isn’t for everyone. I also […]

Movies Across the Universe Movie Shot

I saw two movies today. I don’t do that often any longer but managed to pull it off anyway. The first movie up was Across the Universe. This is a musical set entirely to music from The Beatles. Nearly all (and possibly all, though I can’t say for sure) of the characters are named after characters […]

Movies Gone Baby Gone Movie Shot

In a word—Wonderful. For a bit more than one word, Ben Affleck‘s first directorial experience, Gone Baby Gone, is a beautiful film that should impress most everyone that sees it. The movie impressed at nearly every turn and from every angle. The most notable thing about it was how dead-on realistic it all seemed. Characters […]

Movies Michael Clayton Movie Shot

This is yet another movie that got rave reviews (Roger Ebert used the word “perfect” in his description of it) that were so positive that I feared there was little chance I would like it. I find this happening all the time with movies that have “universal” appeal. This meant I went into the movie […]

Movies 3:10 to Yuma Movie Shot

This weekend my son and I went to see 3:10 to Yuma. It stars Christian Bale and Russell Crowe in a classic western. It’s a remake of a 1957 film of the same name starring Glenn Ford. This was my son’s very first western so I was a bit apprehensive. Thankfully by the end it […]

Movies Superbad Movie Shot

Another Friday, another movie. This time we checked out Superbad, the new Judd Apatow comedy. It still amazes me that this guy has so many awesome hit movies and failed so notably (and surprisingly) with TV shows. It makes no sense. The great part for me is that I confused this movie as being the […]

Movies Stardust Movie Shot

Next up is Stardust which I think the Philadelphia Inquirer nailed in its review. They basically said it was a good movie that is unlikely to find an audience. It has too much romance for the kids and too much fantasy for the adults. Thankfully, I walk the line between those two perfectly so I enjoyed it […]

Movies Sunshine Movie Shot

My wife and I caught Sunshine during the single week it played at the local art house theater. I’m not surprised it vanished so quickly but it really didn’t deserve that quick a hook. If you’re a sci-fi fan, get a copy of this when it hits DVD and enjoy it. It’s far from perfect but […]