Men Review
Men tries too hard to mix a message and symbolism with a creative concept and ends up neutering itself.
Men tries too hard to mix a message and symbolism with a creative concept and ends up neutering itself.
The style of Men is undeniable and will either immediately appeal to or put off its audience.
Delivers a unique experience in some otherworldly place borne of imagination.
The ingredients for a first-rate experience are all here until the story unfolds.
A talented artificial intelligence expert is called on to evaluate his boss’s latest evolutionary achievement in the riveting sci-fi drama Ex Machina. The promise of advanced artificial intelligence serves as the centerpiece of countless Hollywood films. 1927’s Metropolis captivated audiences with its cautionary tale of a dystopian future ruled by smart machines. Our own tech […]
My wife and I caught Sunshine during the single week it played at the local art house theater. I’m not surprised it vanished so quickly but it really didn’t deserve that quick a hook. If you’re a sci-fi fan, get a copy of this when it hits DVD and enjoy it. It’s far from perfect but […]