Hail, Caesar! Review
Hail, Caesar! feels like a potluck dinner of random recipes quickly tossed into one big salad bowl.
Hail, Caesar! feels like a potluck dinner of random recipes quickly tossed into one big salad bowl.
A young man trades a troubled youth for Olympic success before taking on his greatest challenge as a prisoner of war in Unbroken. Louis Zamperini (Jack O’Connell) grew up in the shadow of his older brother Pete. In an effort to stand apart, Louis often chose to focus his boundless energy on hijinks that more […]
A confined cat, desperate to explore his tantalizing surroundings, is waylaid by a perpetual loser in Inside Llewyn Davis. Okay, so that’s not the intended synopsis of the latest Coen Brothers film, but it likely would have made a more entertaining tale than the one they actually produced. This period piece from 1961 features a […]
Let’s check out the Coen Brothers remake of the 1969 classic True Grit. Like many others I was shocked at this choice by the brothers as it seemed entirely disconnected from everything else they’ve ever done. However, I am a fan of the original and it’s my main connection with the super-stardom aura that was John Wayne. I’ve seen […]
This week I dragged my son to see Burn After Reading which is, to be frank, what I wish the producers did to the script before moving on with their lives. The latest movie from the famed Coen Brothers is a total snore. There are some blatant jokes along the way and the story itself has a […]
We saw No Country for Old Men tonight while it’s in limited release. The movie showed to a packed house. It’s from the Coen Brothers and stars Tommy Lee Jones, Josh Brolin and an unknown actor (Javier Bardem) playing the main role of the psychopath. There’s also some great character work from Woody Harrelson and Tess […]