Spider-Man: No Way Home Review
Spider-Man: No Way Home introduces a more mature Peter Parker as he deals with the consequences of his actions as Spider-Man.
Spider-Man: No Way Home introduces a more mature Peter Parker as he deals with the consequences of his actions as Spider-Man.
Contains all of the elements for a wonderful sequel yet wrecks them with some questionable decisions and a silly finale.
A platter best suited for your local McDonald’s.
The unoriginal plot meandered its way along like a stoned senior looking for a snack.
I avoided the fraternities and sororities in college except for the parties. Some of those were quite wild and involved all kinds of drinking stunts and things I wouldn’t even consider today. That kind of spirit infuses Monsters University, but the emphasis is on scares instead of drinking. This is the first prequel to a […]
Rango is the very first animated film from the magicians at Industrial Light & Magic who’ve raised the technology bar in Hollywood so many times over the years that they’ve made it seem commonplace to do so. This first effort has first effort written all over it. The look is typical ILM. In other words […]