Miss Sloane Review
Miss Sloane fails in the most basic ways possible.
Miss Sloane fails in the most basic ways possible.
The poorest survivors of a global meltdown fight an oppressive class system aboard a perpetual-motion train in Snowpiercer. The year is 2031. With global warming growing worse 17 years ago, the people of Earth conceived a grand plan to restore the world’s climate. They sprayed the atmosphere with a chemical that, instead of solving the […]
The other film of the week is Woody Allen‘s latest endeavor—To Rome with Love. Here we get a tale that involves us in the story lines of several groups of people all centered around Rome. First there’s Hayley and her new Italian boyfriend Michelangelo (Alison Pill and Flavio Parenti) and her parents, Jerry and Phyllis (Woody Allen and Judy Davis) […]
So, in what will amount to much surprise for my friend Luke, this weekend I saw Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. What surprised me most about my participation is that the film stars Michael Cera. I’ve had a long-running grudge against the actor from his earliest roles, as he seems to always play the same […]
Last week we headed out to see the latest Sean Penn film—a biopic entitled Milk. It’s the story of the first openly gay politician elected to public office in America. The story takes place mainly throughout the 1970s and appears to stay very true to the actual events of the man and his time. The […]
Next up we caught Steve Carell‘s new movie, Dan and the Real G….. Oh, wait, it’s called Dan in Real Life. This is a movie I’ve been worried about for some time. We saw the previews for it ages ago and then the movie seemed to miss one release date after another. I also happened to […]