Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

I don’t mean literally explode (assuming you’ve been reading too much about recent Dell laptop fires and Sony-provided batteries for them). I’m talking about the market suddenly being hit with multicore processors on the scale of 8-core, 12-core and possibly even 20+ cores or more. After attending the Microsoft Gamefest event I started making some […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

I just got back from Microsoft‘s Gamefest show and I come away from it pretty disappointed, at least initially. First, it didn’t help that flying in general has become a fiasco. I got stuck getting out of Philly then delayed into Chicago. Then there was a huge wait to check bags in Chicago and a […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

It has to be one of those three things. Today’s headlines include a bleak assessment from Army General John Abizaid that suggests that all-out civil war is very possible. Senator John McCain asked him if he saw this coming a year ago. He and Army General Peter Pace both said no, they didn’t see it […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

I’ve been eyeing up VOIP (Voice Over IP) services for quite some time. The technology seems like one of those areas that slowly becomes a solution that works its way into dominance. At the very least it’s a wonderful way to keep competition alive and well. Phone service is one of the great success stories […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

I’ve had a few people either contact me here, via e-mail or in person who have tried to use the argument that the war with Iraq is a deterrent against others who would move to attack us. The most often noted example of this is Libya. I don’t buy this argument for a number of […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

What a prick this guy is. I listen to his show fairly often and he never ceases to disappoint me. Within minutes of listening he’ll always say something that you can ask, “Hey, did you just say something entirely ironic?” Sometimes it’s just hypocritical. Before you ask, yes, I listen to Sean Hannity. Why? Because […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

The next time I get pulled over, I’m going to simply tell the police that their actions aren’t fair because I had no idea that any law was meant to apply directly to me. Come on. I’ve never actually seen a politician take the time to say, “And this applies to you, Mr. Heimlich.“ I […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

Yes, I know, you’re thinking, “What’s he talking about? Audio downloads have been available for quite some time now.” Well, the fact is that I’ve never been a fan of MP3‘s. The idea of paying a $1 for a song rife with compression artifacts has just never worked for me. I have absolutely no qualms […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

The VP of Iraq wants a timetable for US troops withdrawal. The President of Iraq supports this request. However, every time anyone mentions removing troops from Iraq, the Right goes into it’s pre-recorded mantra of labeling them with the concept of supporting “cut and run” policies. Of course this sounds cowardly and foolish, which is […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

The current administration keeps going on about how we need to get aggressive with Iran and then they toss North Korea in there as well from time-to-time. Heck, every so often I hear unstable people like Ann Coulter talking about eradicating entire sections of people who aren’t us. The argument is that these people are […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

USA Today just announced that, since the death of terrorist leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, 48% of those polled believe the US will probably or definitely win the war on terrorism. What’s wrong with 48% of American’s? Israel has been killing top terrorist leaders for decades now and how close are they to winning the war […]