Goodbye, Jerry
On September 8, noted science fiction writer Jerry Pournelle passed away quietly in his sleep.
On September 8, noted science fiction writer Jerry Pournelle passed away quietly in his sleep.
Amoma is one travel site that needs to be put on permanent vacation.
I know that my last topic was all about moderation, but I feel compelled to discuss it again — this time with a little story. My boyfriend, who takes very good care of himself, has what I would diagnose as a bread addiction. (Sorry, Matt, I told the world!) However, all week long, he does […]
The following story involves a rather fascinating (to me) repair job that I’m quite impressed that I could do and that’s both easy and inexpensive. I’m still driving a an older Chrysler Town & Country van that I’m hoping to keep going for a bit until my son moves out and we move into new […]
Every Christmas night I head over to my Father’s house and spend the evening with various members of my family. We generally hunker down around the dining room table and converse deeply about all manner of topics—and usually quite loudly (we’re a noisy bunch by default). It should come as no surprise that we often […]
Last night I had an interesting conundrum. At 1am my 17 year-old son called with the the worst sort of opening you want to hear from your child: “Dad, there’s a problem. You need to come get me from the police.” So what was the situation? My son—who’s been driving a year—was out with two […]
You ever have one of those odd moments, or series of related events, in life that you don’t ever really get the back story to but you wonder—all the same—what the heck was going on? You know it’s too small to really bother looking into but you still want to know? I had one of those […]
Back in 2005 I decided it was time to join several of my peers and to give LASIK eye surgery a shot. Those I knew that had it done all had exceptional experiences including at Kremer Eye Center, the place I’d decided to go with. I also decided to pay a premium for the service […]
A few months ago I saw the film Forks Over Knives and it was the final straw in a long thought process I’d been having about my diet. I’ve been a die-hard meat and potatoes kind of guy. Always have been. I support vegetarians, vegans or the diet anyone wants to partake in. That’s up […]
I come from a family that enjoys a hearty beverage with their entertainment. There’s never been a shortage of beer or varied spirits at most family events and I find that’s typical of many American homes. As a child I grew up surrounded, most notably, by beer. I recall seeing many of the beers of […]
Starting earlier in the week I had an odd sensation that was a bit disconcerting but not overly concerning. You know the feeling you get when you need to pee? I started noticing that I felt this way even when I actually didn’t need to go. It wasn’t that I couldn’t go. There just wasn’t […]
So yesterday I’m sitting at my computer getting some work done when an e-mail nonchalantly makes it way to my inbox. It’s a Facebook notification of a new Friend request. The request is from someone I haven’t heard from in roughly 30 years. A little back-story first. In February 1975, at the age of 11, […]