Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

News on the Right today includes an interesting tidbit that Alan Colmes is leaving Fox News‘ Hannity & Colmes show in the near future. My big question is, will anyone even notice a difference? I’m not knocking Colmes here. It seemed clear from the outset that this show was always totally about Sean Hannity, period. […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

I’ve been watching Fox News for a bit of late and the entire experience makes me feel dirty. The channel is littered with people I wouldn’t trust for five minutes with my child, my home or my wallet. Bill O’Reilly ran a piece during his show about “San Francisco”. I put that in quotes because […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

Many of the pundits on the Right seem to think everyone was born yesterday. Their ability to sit on air and with a straight face or steady voice spew out complete bullshit is just amazing. The idea that the current stock market is currently being affected mainly by something they call the “Obama Recession” is […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

Remember this one. Rush Limbaugh today told listeners that he wouldn’t be surprised if Barack Obama didn’t run for a second term (has anyone told this guy that Obama hasn’t even started his first term yet?) if Obama, get this, achieves everything he “really” intends to do. What??? He seems to think that Obama will […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

On Hardball tonight (I was bouncing between all three cable news networks—Karl Rove was on Hannity & Colmes talking about how Bush was successful and we all didn’t get it) Chris Matthews was asking how Barack Obama was going to govern. Mainly he was trying to get to the bottom of whether we should expect […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

The pundits are still on the “socialism” rant regarding President-Elect Barack Obama. Someone needs to shove a dictionary in the face of these guys. Socialism: An economic system in which the basic means of production are primarily owned and controlled collectively, usually by government under some system of central planning. An economic, social and political […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

Bill Maher has a section at the end of his HBO show, Real Time With Bill Maher, called New Rules. It’s a short comedic section where he points out things that bug him and asks that they be put to rest. The final entry is one that he jokes about and then delves into for […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

The conservative radicals of the party simply are not understanding what happened on Tuesday. Rush Limbaugh is suggesting it’s all about race. Sean Hannity has a litany of things the Right has to do to get the party back on track and they’re all pretty off-base. The problem is not race. It’s not the force […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

Barack Obama has been projected as the 44th President by CNN and it’s something to behold. For better or worse (and I think it can only be better) we’ve made major history with this choice. I hope this quiets the radicals on the Right for a while as their rhetoric is very much at the […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

Well, here we are on election eve and FOX News is having a real tizzy. It’s endless railing on Jeremiah Wright and the Barack Obama quote from 11 months ago regarding coal plants. This is their Hail Mary pass? Dick Morris should just be given a show on FOX News. How this guy has any […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

For some time now Rush Limbaugh has been telling his listeners that polling is a bunch of garbage because it’s all a tool of the liberal media to dissuade conservatives by giving them the impression that they might as well stay home on election day as the race is already over. He then suggested that […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

A quick thought before I forget it. John McCain was in Pennsylvania this weekend and was making a comment that stuck out pretty strongly for me. He basically said, “Senator Joe Biden has a habit of going off-message and telling the truth.” He was speaking about the goof-up Biden fell into when he was candid […]