Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

You ever have one of those odd moments, or series of related events, in life that you don’t ever really get the back story to but you wonder—all the same—what the heck was going on? You know it’s too small to really bother looking into but you still want to know? I had one of those […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

I have no idea who’s likely to win the Presidency in November. To my view this could go either way. However, one thing is clear, the Republicans in power are in panic mode right now. Everything seems even more coordinated than ever and certain attributes are starting to surface that have a familiar aura to […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

Some people are paper-thin when it comes to being able to get a sense for their morality and motives. Dick Morris, for me, is one of those people and from everything I’ve seen over the years he’s a guy I wouldn’t believe to give me the correct year let alone the correct time. If ever […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

Walt Wawra, a police officer from Kalamazoo Michigan, went on a trip to Calgary in nearby Canada. The trip took he and his wife to a park where, in the middle of broad daylight, they were accosted by two men and the harrowing experience nearly cost them their lives. Lucky to have escaped, Walt wrote […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

Today I noticed a story that caught me a bit by surprise. The story connected two things I hadn’t previously related. Those two things were “illegal alien” and “slur”. I had never thought of the phrase representing a slur though, on second thought, I can certainly understand how someone in that situation might be less […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

I have a puzzle to solve. It’s a curious puzzle and one that begs a number of questions. Here’s the issue. Back in March of 2008 I saw a small independent movie called The Counterfeiters. I then wrote up a review of the film on March 22nd and posted it here as usual. Then the […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

Back when I had my first Android smartphone—the original Droid—I noticed a strange phenomenon that caused me a lot of consternation. Every so often my touchscreen would act as if it were possessed. I’d type a character and it would sometimes replicate that character and other times it would act like Linda Blair‘s character in […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

Today the FCC surprised a lot of consumers by fining Verizon Wireless $1.25 million dollars for violating an agreement it made when it purchased additional spectrum from the government that it uses for it’s LTE (4G) network. Under the terms of that deal Verizon agreed that it would not limit consumers choices on how to use […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

For those of you who just recently got an HD TV be aware that you’re already behind the times according to what many manufacturers are up to. First let me give a 50,000-foot overview of the technology issues. Since roughly 1942 until the mid-2000’s, NTSC (as the standard in the US was called) dominated the […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

Mitt Romney spoke to the NAACP the other day and the event was quite interesting in how the media (on all sides) chose to cover it. However, much of what I’m seeing on Fox News and other conservative outlets points to exactly the kind of thing conservatives rail on continuously—a liberal bias in coverage. Almost […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

Today’s stunning Supreme Court decision upholding so-called “ObamaCare” reminded me of a point I’ve been wanting to write about for a few days involving the concept of “proof” of one’s opinions and how this is one of the biggest problems I find with my friends on the Right. It reminded me of this because virtually […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

If you own an Android phone part of the fun or hell (depending on your mindset) is working through all the various, seemingly endless, options regarding additional applications. For me apps come in three flavors: add-on apps, replacement apps and games. When it comes to the games those are pretty straight-forward. You either like a […]